Wi-Fi does not mean internet


Wi-Fi has become a standard for wireless communication, and with it, we have seen an increase in the number of devices using it.Listening to the name Wi-Fi, we think directly internet connection. But Wi-Fi is just a way to share data between one or more machines.

In ancient times, the tamtam was the most widely used means of long-distance communication in Africa. It was used to transmit information in a village concerning moments of mourning, victories during wars, and even to communicate from one village to another.

The 19th century with the industrial revolution coming from the West allowed the birth of computers that can make automated calculations. Later, the idea of networking computers signed the coming of the Web 1.0 and the birth of the network of networks: the Internet that we know today.

Since computers were connected by wires in the early days of the Internet, the need to communicate wirelessly was the inevitable next step. This is where wireless telecommunication operators have multiplied since the 90’s and later the birth of Wi-Fi.

Wi-Fi technology today is being installed in all public and private spaces. However, many people confuse it with the Internet. This understanding is due to the fact that we have known the word Wi-Fi while trying to connect to the Internet.

Wi-Fi, just like a network cable, is just a way to transmit information from one computer to another.

Within the framework of EduAir, the Wi-Fi network that we install on campus allows us to connect our Box (EduAirBox) to the thousands of smartphones, tablets and laptops of students. Thus the digital library, via the Wi-Fi network can be shared on several devices without the need for an internet connection.

EduAir’s Wi-Fi network on campus is robust and reliable to accommodate the thousands of students and teachers who connect to it for academic purposes.

 In order to guarantee a better quality of our Wi-Fi signal in the campuses of EduAir’s partner universities, a partnership has been made with the telecommunications company UBTS  specialized in the installation of 6th generation Wi-Fi. Thus, with an estimated data exchange rate of 700 Mb/s, the data streams (videos, books) coming from the box will be easily accessible to thousands of students and teachers.

As we like to say: all without an internet connection.


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